Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Baby Boy is One Week Old Today!!

Wow!  How time flies when you’re having fun!  It doesn’t seem possible that Teegan is one week old today. 

He has had another pretty good day today.  I think he’s like his momma and likes rainy days.  He has been sleeping the day away.  The neonatologist stopped the medicine he was on to close the PDA because when they suctioned him this morning he had a little bit of blood in his tummy.  He said that is a side effect of the medicine.  They will repeat the echo cardiogram tomorrow afternoon and see if it has closed any more at all and go from there.  He had an ultrasound on his head today to check for bleeding on the brain.  We just got those results a few minutes ago and everything looked good.  Hallelujah!!  They are still watching his white count.  After today he will probably be able to be out of reverse isolation.  He was also switched back to the regular ventilator this afternoon and is tolerating it well.  The nurse practitioner was confident he would because he had started trying to out-breathe the other one.  She said he just gets mad every once in a while and it’s because he thinks he is big enough to get rid of the vent.  He tries to lift his head up so they’ve put a strap on it to hold it in place. 

The picture below is a picture of one of his diapers sitting next to a card that is the size of a credit card.  Teeny Tiny!!!

So we’re asking for specific prayers this evening for the PDA to be closed tomorrow when they do the echo cardiogram.  Once it is closed and they’re able to feed him he is going to feel so much better! J
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1 comment:

  1. 1 week old! A first milestone in this journey! It is amazing the strength he has and yet so small. Still praying for you all! Remember God has you all in his loving arms...I am sure you are feeling that! We are heading down today to play with Timbree. It's been way too long. Next time we make a trip down I am excited that we will finally get to meet Teegan! I am praying that results of the scan today show the PDA closed! Sounds like that little man is ready to be released from some of his cords so he can move around. It's gonna be a great day! I can feel it! Love you guys!!
